
2021年の最終候補 - 投票して当てよう

mind's eye by Ancuta Muresan



Mind's eye : the imagination.
It's the best way to represent the imagination in a creative form,through simplicity.
Ochiul mintii : imaginatia.
Este cel mai bun mod de a reprezenta imaginatia intr-o forma creativa, prin simplitate.

件名 Ancuta Muresan

I am Ancuta Muresan. I was born in 14 June 1991 in Romania. I hold a Bachelorís degree (2011-2014) in Graphic at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and this year I graduate the master degree (2014-2016) in Graphic at the same University. During my studies, beginning in high school, I developed passion and I acquired some skills for graphic, photography and arts in general.
Since 2014, I participate at national and international exhibitions,some of my work was exhibited in Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Prague and Vienna.
I had collaboration with product brands, I created different designs for clothes, accesories and promotional products.
Sunt Ancuta Muresan. M-am nascut in 14 iunie 1991 in Romania. Am absolvit sectia grafica din cadrul Universitatii de Arta si Design din Cluj Napoca (perioada 2011-2014),iar anul acesta am absolvit masterul la aceeasi specializare din cadrul aceleiasi facultati (perioada 2014-2016).Inca din liceu, am prezentat mare interes pentru grafica, fotografie si arta in largul sens al cuvantului. Din anul 2014, am participat la concursuri si expozitii nationale si internationale,avand lucrari expuse in orase precum: Cluj-Napoca,Bucuresti,Praga sau Viena. Am colaborat cu diferite branduri, creatiile mele aparand pe tricouri, accesorii si materiale promotionale.


この作者の他のデザイン Ancuta Muresan



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