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Floral Dreams - Robbin Rawlings



A mixture of pattern and handrawn line art to capture a feeling of whimsical vines -the "garden gate brought in doors"
A mixture of pattern and handrawn line art to capture a feeling of whimsical vines -the "garden gate brought in doors"

O Robbin Rawlings

Robbin Rawlings is an inspired artist who owes her whimsical and upbeat style of painting to the world around her. She was born in the Southeast where the warmth of both the people and her surroundings nurtured her artistic talent.

She studied painting at the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, FL then earned a degree in Communication Design at Parsons School of Design in New York. She owned and operated a graphic design studio in Florida for more than a decade before returning to her first love – painting – where her sophisticated use of color and whimsical style is fully expressed.

Robbin now lives with her husband and daughter in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains overlooking Boulder, Colorado. She and her husband own and operate a design business which licenses her art nationally and internationally. Robbin’s art can be found on many products from greeting cards to textiles.

Robbin Rawlings is an inspired artist who owes her whimsical and upbeat style of painting to the world around her. She was born in the Southeast where the warmth of both the people and her surroundings nurtured her artistic talent.

She studied painting at the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, FL then earned a degree in Communication Design at Parsons School of Design in New York. She owned and operated a graphic design studio in Florida for more than a decade before returning to her first love – painting – where her sophisticated use of color and whimsical style is fully expressed.

Robbin now lives with her husband and daughter in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains overlooking Boulder, Colorado. She and her husband own and operate a design business which licenses her art nationally and internationally. Robbin’s art can be found on many products from greeting cards to textiles.


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